Direct lending

We help companies grow

NEOS focuses on companies where innovation, growth, merger or an acquisition takes place. Start-ups are excluded, but we stick our necks out for promising companies. We apply a strict set of conditions a company must meet in order to be eligible for financing. It is important to make this clear at the start of the process, so that you can continue to focus on your core business.



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In four steps towards a financing solution

The assessment of a loan application consists of a fundamental analysis of the business model and cash flows. This is done extremely thoroughly. However, that does not mean that journeys need to be unnecessarily long. In the current dynamic economy, timing is a crucial factor for companies. We offer a clear, efficient and fast process at NEOS.

The process usually takes several weeks, depending on the timely delivery of information. A good estimate of the chance of success can be made within a week.



Initial screening based on the financing criteria and the financing need. If the outcome is positive, the financing application can be started.


The company or its adviser submits the loan application. The application includes a description of the company, the business plan, overview of the most important business risks, details of the management & shareholder structure, specification of the use of financing and detailed financial information.


In order to thoroughly assess a loan application, NEOS performs an analysis on the company, management team, financial performance, and competitive position of the company, among others.


After assessment and approval, the documentation phase follows including signing loan documentation and eventually pay-out to the company’s bank account. For monitoring purposes quarterly insight into the financial performance of the company is requested.

So let's reinvent how business financing is done.

Are you eligible for financing?


Direct Lending

Direct Lending is the financing of companies without a balance sheet as with banks. This type of financing is more and more needed because of increasing financing needs of companies due to important developments, such as the sustainability transition and the far-reaching implications of digitisation of the economy. This makes direct lending a valuable addition to the financing mix of companies.

NEOS has the mandate on behalf of institutional investors to originate, analyse, assess and monitor financing.


The benefits of NEOS Direct Lending:

growth financing

As a Direct Lender we dare to look beyond the company’s historical performance and are able to finance on future cash flows of a company based on a thorough assessment.

flexibility in repayment

We understand that an optimal financing structure can help your growth. That is why we opt for flexible repayment structures.

flexibility in advances

We look beyond the usual standards, which means that a considerably higher advance on assets can be achieved.

financing at higher debt levels

We look beyond the usual standards, which means that companies can borrow considerably more than they are used to.