“NEOS offers companies ample financing options and distinguishes itself through a combination of speed in execution, flexibility in terms of financing and personal attention. We do not allow ourselves to be guided by general macro and sector views, but we assess the potential of each company in itself”

— Quirijn Haak

Direct Lending has taken a solid place in the financing spectrum in recent years. Entrepreneurs are open to new financing providers in the financing landscape, and NEOS will further expand its position as a Direct Lender. In recent years, NEOS Direct Lending has been able to offer financing to almost 200 companies, making it the largest direct lender in the Netherlands and Belgium.

A network of institutional investors

Unlike other providers, NEOS opts for collaboration with professional and institutional investors. This enables us to be and remain a reliable player in the market. The parties for whom we are mandated to work include Bedrijfspensioenfonds voor de Detailhandel, NIBC, private equity investor KKR from the USA and asset manager Schroders from the UK.



Do you want to know how we innovate business finance and enable growth for
our customers?

Then be sure to download the brochure.



Quirijn Haak, CEO, qhaak@neosdirect.com

Guido Buurlage, CFO, gbuurlage@neosdirect.com

Nick van Hagen, General Counsel, nvanhagen@neosdirect.com

Koen Tabak, CRO, ktabak@neosdirect.com

Michiel de Leeuw, Business Development, mdeleeuw@neosdirect.com

Franck Hoppenbrouwers, Senior Debt Investment Manager, fhoppenbrouwers@neosdirect.com

Ans Dijksterhuis, Senior Debt Investment Manager, adijksterhuis@neosdirect.com

Esther Pauw, Assistant, epauw@neosdirect.com